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Students Facing Special Circumstances/Weekend Food Bags



Students living in special circumstances are identified by counselors and teachers.  ECMC then provides students with basic needs, necessary tools, and support to enable them to reach their goals, achieve and to be successful. 


Ongoing needs will include shoes, clothing, toiletries, and school supplies.  

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Champions for Change



Champions for Change is a club available to eighth to twelfth grade students.  Club members work year round to carry out the mission of ECMC.  This includes sponsoring monthly prevention events, maintaining the clothing exchange, supporting students facing special circumstances, and working to promote positive social change on campus and in the community.  



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Clothing Exchange



The Clothing Exchange is open each school day during school hours.  Students and parents can donate gently worn teenage appropriate clothing to the closet.  Students can then select new items for their exchanges.  Students that need clothing items are encouraged to "shop".  The closet is maintained by youth volunteers and an adult volunteer.


Prevention/Awareness Education



Monthly prevention/awareness activities are held on the Marathon Middle/High School campus.


One project included the student developed anti-bullying video below:



Dancing Classrooms - Marathon Middle/High School



Eighth grade students are taught ballroom dance while participating in this social development program.



City of Marathon Skate Park - Concession Stand Leadership Project



ECMC maintains a concession stand outside the Marathon Skate Park.  High school students earn community service hours through the leadership program working in the stand.

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Find us: 

5409 Overseas Highway Box 1081

Marathon, FL 33050

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